Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Nature of Oakland #28

The cover of the book and also the  book will come in 3 different forms 1. Soft-book 2.Image-wrap 3.E-Book


Old video in the Forest in Oakland, CA. one of the best time of my life with my friends and family.

So whats going to happen after my book is completed? "Nature of Oakland" I will work on my website to build my career as a blogger + contractor by my resume and portfolio. I will also do another small book to boost traffic and skill in the urban  street of Oakland. I will start working on my 2 main blog business "Vixen of Queen" and "RF FASHION" <- Both will run with blogger and tumblr to boost traffic and networking. Also using my book I can get people to invest into the printing which will be seasonal . But yea I feel good book is 99% done ;) o yea !!!

"Growing up in Oakland California, living the urban life, I never notice Oakland has a nature area and also my friends was shock with the images I shot. One day I wanted to take photo of the whole Oakland by going directly to the Oakland Hills. I notice two parks in Oakland “Leona Heights Park” with amazing water and also “Joaquin Miller Park” with prefect sun reflection. I have been hiking in the Oakland Hills for 2 years to learn more about the landscape. I have been looking for great images and studying the season of Oakland to capture the moment I see to share the Oakland Community and also the world. Oakland is turning into more of a city and an urban area for resident, my goal is to share the “Nature of Oakland” because I don't know how long nature in Oakland will last. I’m happy that I capture the time here in the Oakland Hills and one day I will continue my quest.  The book is broken down into 4 sections by having a spread sheet as a new chapter.".- Bullimalnna Sot

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